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From The Publishers of The Kingdoms and the Elves of the Reaches…
Reagent Press / RP Books
Welcome to our Tom Schwartz page!
About the Author
Tom Schwartz was born in
December 1930, in Brooklyn, NY where he attended Public Schools including the
Manhattan H S of Aviation Trades. In 1951
he enlisted in the Navy and won a
“Fleet” appointment to the Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. Upon
graduation, he served in the US Air Force where he spent most of his 27 years in
the Research and Development area. After retiring from the Air Force as a Lt.
Col., he worked for Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC) as a Program Manager. He
now resides in Melbourne, Florida, where he continues to work for CSC part time,
and enjoys writing nature stories for children. He is a guest speaker at the
elementary schools in central Florida, and has been to over 60 schools speaking
to 2nd through 5th grade students (about 18,000 of them, so far). The book, "How
Mother Nature Flowered the Fields of Earth and Mars," is included in the
elementary school's Renaissance Learning Accelerated Reader Program.
In 2006, Tom Schwartz discussed writing with students at the R. L. Stevenson School of the Arts. Tom had a lot to offer the students, and helped to present awards at the school's Discovering Quality Literature Writers' Fair in May 2006. Tom's new book, How Mother Nature Flowered the Fields, is featured above.
New - Make cookies with Tom Schwartz... Watch the live video!
On March 25 2008, Tom spoke to teachers and media specialists from the Lake
County school district in Florida. Over 40 educators from elementary, middle,
and high schools attended. The Lake County school district purchased copies of
Tom's "How Mother Nature Flowered the Fields" for every teacher and media
specialist. After his presentation, Tom signed copies of his book.
Pictured here are Tom Schwartz (in center), Suzanne McClure (on left); and
Beverly Haskins, Director of Staff Development, Lake County Schools, (on right).
There was much interest in Tom's upcoming books "Spaceship Earth" and "Identity
and Immortality," as well as the Mother Nature book.
In 2010, Reagent Press published Tom's Spaceship Earth:
A Beginning Without End. The book has received favorable reviews from
Midwest Book Review and others. Recently, Spaceship Earth was featured in
a local Florida newspaper, the Viera Voice.
About the Book "How Mother Nature Flowered the Fields"
Mother Nature has a terrible dilemma.
Supreme Queen Bee, Queen Bluefire, no longer wants the responsibility of
getting all the flowers to grow. Her bees want to play and have fun. They no
longer want to work to pollinate the flowers. Oh dear, what's Mother Nature to
And that's only the beginning of her troubles. Can she get the beavers to irrigate the fields and save them from rampaging bears? Can she get the earthworms to fertilize the soil?
Let us hope so or otherwise the flowers won't bloom and blossom.
ISBN: 1-57545-102-6
Reading level: Ages 7-11
Page count: 160
Publication date: February 2006
$18.95 (Large-Format Trade; Illustrated)
Get the book now: Amazon - BN - BAMM
From the Publisher: The How Mother Nature Collection makes learning about our environment fun and interesting. Not only does it reinforce what is taught in elementary schools about nature, science and how our natural world works, it also helps to ensure retention as the children mature. Featuring a bright, colorful cover and charming interior art, this story collection is recommended for young readers whose reading comprehension skills have made the transition from picture books. Look below for free I Can Read and Shared Reading classroom handouts to help introduce early readers to this unique learning experience.
Subjects > Children's Books > Science, Nature & How It Works > Nature > Fiction
Subjects > Children: Grades 2-5 > Nature & the Natural World – General
Subjects > Children: Grades 2-5 > Juvenile Fiction
"In the tradition of established folk and fairy tales, Mr. Schwartz has created a variety of engaging characters in this imaginative environmental trilogy. The message of preservation of humans and their environment is an important one for our youth." Dr. Richard Di Patri, Superintendent, Brevard Public Schools, Florida
“The environment and conservation are becoming increasingly important to keeping our planet livable. Tom Schwartz has written a book to help children understand the importance of each creature in the scheme of things. The three stories in this book are tied together by the interaction of the wonderful, believable characters…
The stories are well plotted with plenty of action and peril to keep even reluctant readers interested. The story shows how teamwork really pays off, and how the action of one can affect the whole planet. The vulnerability of the earth and it’s creatures is stressed, and the whole ties in nicely with school curriculum… Tom Schwartz is a gifted writer, and this is a much needed contribution to children’s literature and a great addition to your child’s library.” Beverly J. Rowe,
“Tom’s stories about Mother Nature and her helpers left a big impact on the children, which will help make our Earth a cleaner place.” Diane Goodson, Curriculum Resource Teacher, Eccleston Elementary School, Orlando, Florida
“Tom visited out school and the children were enthralled with his stories about Mother Nature. Great message about saving the environment.” Maureen Tassone, Media Specialist, Christa McAuliffe Elementary School, Palm Bay, Florida
“Tom’s Mother Nature stories reinforce what we teach about the environment. Our students loved the characters and their parts in helping Mother Nature.” Sharen Talbert, Principal, Mims Elementary School, Mims, Florida
"A welcome addition to
family, school and community library collections, How Mother Nature Flowered The
Fields Of Earth And Mars by Tom Schwartz is the fun and creative tale of the
Supreme Queen Bee Bluefire and her decision to quit working for the almighty
mother nature and instead, just have fun and relaxing idleness. As the dilemma
of un-pollinated flowers becomes more and more calamitous, How Mother Nature
Flowered The Fields Of Earth And Mars carries its young readers through Mother
Nature's action against the defiant Queen Bluefire and her followers as trickery
and situational innovation make up the fate of them all. Through the format of a
fairytale style presentation, young readers are providing with some very "real
world" information about environmental issues and Earth's interdependent
ecosystems. Ideal for family, preschool, and community library collections, How
Mother Nature Flowered The Fields Of Earth And Mars is very highly recommended
for its originality, its entertainment value, and its informational content."
Midwest Book Review
"My sons love 'The Kingdoms and the Elves of the Reaches' by this publisher
so I bought 'How Mother Nature Flowered the Fields' for my youngest daughter
Anna as soon as I saw it. Besides the cover is so adorable. This book is about
the creatures of the earth and how Mother Nature gets them to help the earth. It
is a charming story of bees, beavers, and earthworms and how these creatures
help the earth. It is well written and even my older daughter enjoyed joining in
when I read the story aloud to Anna. Highly recommended." T. Creeley, Amazon
About the Teacher's Classroom Guide to "How Mother Nature Flowered the Fields"
ISBN: 1-57545-103-4
Reading level: Ages 7-11
Page count: 160
$19.95 (Large-Format Trade; Illustrated)
Publication date: August 2006
Subjects > Children's Books > Science, Nature & How It Works > Nature > Fiction
Subjects > Children: Grades 2-5 > Nature & the Natural World – General
Subjects > Children: Grades 2-5 > Juvenile Fiction
Get the book now: Amazon - BN - BAMM
About Spaceship Earth
Tom also writes in other genres. His science fiction story, “Spaceship Earth: A Beginning Without End,” is expected to be published in 2008. The thrust of the story is mankind’s determination to survive the dying of the Earth’s Sun and the next “Big Bang.” The time span covers the present cycle of the “Big Bang” in a fast moving, dynamic manner. Sample endorsements from scientists and clergy are:
Tom Schwartz has written a fascinating tale, blending the best of evolution and
creationism. It is a quick, interesting and thought-provoking read that I would
recommend to anyone willing to think beyond the basics. It strengthens those in
the faith community, and, I would trust, challenge those in the field of
science." Senior Pastor Rick Hartman, Advent Lutheran Church,
Melbourne, FL
"I liked this story's ambition. Tom
Schwartz has clearly put much passion and thought into how human beings might
save the Earth in addition to its inhabitants from the most dire and final of
long-term scenarios: the death of the Sun and the ultimate fate of our expanding
universe." Dr. Megan Donahue, Physics and Astronomy Department, Michigan
State University
Classroom Handouts for Teachers
The Teacher's Guide includes the full text of the printed book; a 22-page literature circle guide with activities, vocabulary builders, and more; and several classroom handouts. The classroom handouts are available for free by clicking the links below:
+ Home-School Connection Handout for the How Mother Nature stories
+ Shared Reading Handout for the How Mother Nature stories
Cool Stuff for Moms, Dads, & Kids
Get your t-shirts, hoodies, tank tops, posters, greeting cards, and more featuring artwork from the How Mother Nature stories by Tom Schwartz.
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